Sunday, August 3, 2014

Miracles and David Archuleta!!!

I don't even know how to start this weekly email. So many things happened this week.  I have come to realize that being a missionary is seriously the best thing in the world! I hit my year mark this week and have done a lot of reflecting.  I have come such a long way this past year, all the experiences, trials, etc have changed me into a better person.  I know what it means to truly love my Savior.  I have such a strong testimony of Him and His Atonement.  I can't believe I only have 6 months left, all I know is I am taking everything in and enjoying every second of it.

So Thursday we had a zone training meeting that was awesome! We talked a lot about setting goals.  We set a goal as a zone for how many baptism we could get for the month of July.  We set a goal of 30, we are all committed to it.  There is a lot of great things in store for the month of July.

That night we had a lesson with Anderson, we were on splits so I taught the lesson by myself with a returned missionary who just got home from Guatemala.  We talked about prophets, why we have prophets, and that we have a prophet today, Thomas S. Monson.  We watched a Mormon message with the prophet speaking and I told brother A to pay attention and think in his heart is Thomas S. Monson is really a prophet, watching him watch the video was neat, I could tell by his face that he really was feeling the spirit.  He's a little 12 year old boy and after the video, he said, wow, I believe he really is a prophet.  It was a great lesson.

On Friday we had such an amazing lesson with brother M's wife.  She was not interested at all at first, she would never sit in on the lessons.  She vented to us a lot about what she is going through with Miguel, he is a drug addict and he is still using.  He is up and down a lot.  I thought about my Dad a lot, I told her about my Dad that he used to drink, and take drugs and he met my Mom and she helped him overcome it and that the Gospel helped him and our family so much.  I told him, My Dad is so strong now, he knows this Gospel is true, he wouldn't have it any other way, and he needed my Mom by his side.  I told her brother M needs you, I know it is hard but he needs you by his side, you need to be there to life him back up again.  I was crying, my companions was crying and she was crying.  We invited her to start reading the Book of Mormon, we testified to her that reading everyday will help her to feel peace and that it will give her the strength to help brother M.  She told us that every time we come to her house she feels the spirit and feels so good.  It is amazing as a missionary that we carry this special spirit with us that people can really feel.

So another amazing thing!! Big Brother F (eternal investigator that has met with missionaries for over 10 years), he is getting baptized the 12th of is happening! We met with him Saturday and he was like ok I am going to do it, the 12th it is!!! We are so excited for him.  We finally started telling members and missionaries about it, there is going to be a ton of missionaries there about 12 if not more!!! The members are so excited for him because they know it has been such a long journey for him.

So last night we had a missionary night fireside with one of our Spanish wards that we cover.  2 returned missionaries who just got home talked about their experiences, the purpose was to get the ward more excited about missionary work.  Anyways, someone walked in and I almost freaked out.  It was DAVID ARCHULETA!!!!!! Apparently he is friends with the Bishops family and they invited him.  I always knew he was a really great guy and all that.  I watched him on American Idol and I love his music...meeting him in person was really neat.  He is so humble.  He came up to my companion and I after the fireside and shook our hand, we had a conversation in Spanish. It was awesome, and he said my Spanish was really good haha.  Never thought anyone would say my spanish was really good and having David Archuleta say that to me was unreal....I asked him about his mission in Chile....he loved it so much, he told me these last 6 months of my mission is such a precious time that I need to take everything in and enjoy it because it will go by fast...he said you are blessing so many lives because you decided to serve.  I could feel the spirit so strongly when I talked to him.  I felt like I was talking to a normal person that I have known forever.  You can tell he has such a strong testimony of this Gospel.  I would of asked for a picture with him but I felt like that would have kind of been inappropriate since we were at a church event and I am a missionary yeah never thought in a million years that I would meet David Archuleta on my mission...but then again I serve in Utah haha. 

So yeah that was my week, pretty awesome stuff!

We have transfers next, who knows what will happen.  All I know is that I don't want my mission to end. 

I love you all!

Hermana Veronica Garces

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